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When will my vehicle be ready for pickup if no transport service with OPENLANE was ordered?

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7.2 When will my vehicle be ready for pickup if no transport service with OPENLANE was ordered?

Auction? Won. Payment? Made. Delivery? You don’t know what’s happening there. Unfortunately, we can't offer you an exact track-and-trace system (yet), since we are working with over 20 different transport partners.

For continental European customers, we offer an estimated collection period in which we expect your vehicle to be ready for pickup. The time it takes to prepare the vehicle for pickup depends on:
• the vehicle type;
• the origin;
• when it’s released by the seller;
• when it arrives at the local HUB.

Please note: The estimated collection period is only an indication. You will receive confirmation when the vehicle is ready for pickup.

Selling country Estimated time to prepare the vehicle for pickup
(if no transport service ordered with OPENLANE)
 Vehicles from Belgium   8 - 9 working days
 Vehicles from France  14 - 15 working days
 Vehicles from Italy  20 - 22 working days
 Vehicles from Germany  14 - 15 working days
 Vehicles from The Netherlands  8 - 10 working days
 Vehicles from Sweden  20 - 22 working days
 Vehicles from Spain, Poland, or other countries  18 - 20 working days

In some cases, this information is also available on the car details page under ‘Documents and history’.

Please note:
When picking up the vehicle, you or your driver must bring the Pickup Authorisation (PuA) and other necessary documents (a car description or a damage report, a CMR or a Certificate of Delivery (COD).

UK customers
don’t have these options on the website. Instead, you are advised to carefully read the information we provide about the pickup procedure.

Click here for the addresses and opening hours of our pickup locations across Europe.

More information?

We do our best to have your vehicle ready and available for you as quickly as possible. If you have any questions, please do contact us. We also thank you for your understanding, cooperation and patience as you wait. It is highly appreciated.

Related questions:

How can I order transport?

What is the pickup procedure?

What are the opening hours of the pickup locations?

Do I get license plates when I pick up the vehicle?

Can I change the delivery address for a transport I already ordered?

Why does OPENLANE need more time to prepare Italian vehicles?


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